Storage of securities

Depository services

As a licensed participant in the Ukrainian capital markets, "BTC Broker" LLC offers both brokerage and depository services to individual and corporate clients, including:

  • Opening and maintaining securities accounts

  • Recording rights to securities in securities accounts

  • Depository servicing of securities transactions (stocks, government bonds, municipal, corporate), including crediting, debiting, transferring, blocking, and unblocking

  • Providing information services, such as account statements, issuer information, and certificates

  • Receiving income from securities (dividends, interest, redemption amounts) and transferring them to depositors' accounts

  • Offering other services in accordance with Ukrainian depository legislation

You can find the list of documents required to open a securities account and our depository service tariffs below

Required Documents for Opening a Securities Account for an Individual Resident

  • Application to join the terms of the securities account service agreement (2 copies)

  • Securities account opening application

  • Signature sample card of the securities account manager, signed in the presence of the depository institution specialist or notarized

  • Copy of the document certifying registration of the individual in the State Register of Individual Taxpayers (for residents). If the individual, due to religious beliefs, refuses the taxpayer identification number and has notified the relevant state tax service authority, and the passport has a note allowing payments by passport series and number, this document is not required

  • Copy of passport (full name, date of birth, passport series and number, date of issue, issuing authority, place of residence). If the account is opened by a representative, the representative's passport or other identity document and a notarized copy of the depositor's passport must be presented

  • Copy of the registration certificate of an individual entrepreneur, notarized or verified by a depository institution employee upon presenting the original (if applicable)

  • Questionnaire filled out according to the depository institution's requirements

Documents for Review


Required Documents for Opening a Securities Account for a Legal Entity Resident

  • Application to join the terms of the securities account service agreement (2 copies)

  • Securities account opening application

  • Copy of the registered incorporation document, certified by the authorized person’s signature and the legal entity's seal. Additional information on the date of state registration must be provided. For legal entities whose documents are published on the electronic services portal, access code information may be provided instead of a copy of the incorporation document

  • Power of attorney for the securities account manager, issued and signed by the legal entity’s head and certified by the entity’s seal, if the account manager is not the head of the legal entity

  • Signature sample card of the securities account managers and the seal impression, approved by the head or an authorized person of the legal entity. If approved by an authorized person other than the head, documents confirming the authority of such a person must be provided

  • Copy of the document confirming the appointment or election of persons authorized to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney, certified by the head’s signature or the account manager (if authorized) and the legal entity's seal

  • For each account manager copy of the taxpayer identification number certificate, notarized or issued by the relevant authority, or a photocopy with the original presented, and a copy of the passport (full name, date of birth, passport series and number, date of issue, issuing authority, place of residence)

  • Original or certified copy of the document containing bank details where the current account is opened and the account number

  • Copy of financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, etc.) submitted for the last reporting period, certified by the head (or authorized person) and the legal entity's seal

  • Legal entity questionnaire for identification purposes

  • Ownership structure diagram

  • Other documents as required by Ukrainian legislation, including documents and information necessary for the depository institution to verify the tax residency status of the legal entity and its ultimate beneficial owners according to subparagraph 69.8.2 of paragraph 69.8 of Article 69 of the Tax Code of Ukraine

Documents for Review


Web Questionnaire

To facilitate the joining process, we have prepared a web form for the questionnaire

Fill out the web form